By Vivian Collings
Many wore purple on Thursday, Oct. 27 to remind others that they are not alone.
Every year, Children’s Aid Societies across Ontario devote the day, called Dress Purple Day, to “raise awareness about the important role that individuals and communities play in supporting vulnerable children, youth, and families,” read a Kawartha Haliburton Children’s Aid Society press release.
Businesses and individuals in Haliburton County wore purple to show their support.
“We really just want people to know that they’re not alone and there is help. We’re hoping that the more people see it, the more they’ll believe it, and maybe we’ll reach somebody that maybe isn’t having a great day, but they’re reminded that they aren’t alone. That’s really what we’re hoping for,” said Susy Snopek, human resources consultant with Kawartha Haliburton Children’s Aid Society.
The campaign is meant to bring awareness to supports available to children and families to try and prevent intervention.
Children’s Aid Societies want to remind communities that there are local organizations who work alongside them to support the wellbeing of children and families in our area.
Point in Time is one of those organisations and shared a photo of their employees wearing purple.
“We have gotten a great response this year from organisations in Haliburton. It’s been amazing,” Snopek said.
Purple pumpkins could also been seen around the village of Haliburton throughout the month of October.
““We do that to really get people’s attention because a purple pumpkin is not a common thing, so we hope that people will take notice and ask about it, and then we can talk about Dress Purple Day,” Snopek said.
There are various ways to support Haliburton Kawartha Children’s Aid Society.
Snopek said they are always looking for volunteers and for foster care families.
For more information, visit or call 705-743-9751.