Disgusted frustrated disappointed in Gooderham litterbugs

April 28 2015

To the Gooderham Litterbugs

Thank you so much for sharing your holiday celebration with us… itmust have been quite an event!
We are so impressed that you took thetrouble to set the table with festive snowman cups and tableclothaccessorized with orange and blue plastic cutlery – the decorative rimon all the many Chinet plates and bowls must have matched so well! Wewere somewhat concerned with the number of cigarette packages (Belmontand Number 7) considering there was a baby present but hope with eventhose cases of Lowenbrau and Corona supplemented with Stella andCarling that you would have smoked apart from the children.
Did theyenjoy their gifts? The toy boxes indicate a range of ages but we’re sure all enjoyed the Kinder Surprise eggs. Did the baby gobble up thebroccoli pea and brown rice mixture or were all the 12 litres of applejuice and numerous Oasis drinking boxes enough to spoil his or herappetite? Judging by the many many diapers left behind the baby didhis share of drinking as well! You’ll be happy to learn that the tapehas held well on more than a couple of dozen and only broken open on 10or so. We sincerely hope that you didn’t need to use all 1160 wipesfrom the discarded carton; you would have been too busy to enjoy theparty!
Judging by the numerous grocery bags you did a great deal ofshopping at No Frills but we did notice the Caesar croutons were aWalmart product. We’d love to know if that’s where you also purchasedthe cases of Coke and ginger ale as well as the Doritos Lays classicchips and Perrier – we all love to find the best prices!
Imagine oursurprise finding these clues and so much more of your holiday waste when off on a spring hike to the public boat landing! Like you we lookforward to celebrations with family and friends here in the HaliburtonHighlands; unlike you we respect the space we share and recycle ourwaste or tote it to the dump or garbage disposal. Having been pushed bythe snow plow then ripped apart by animals and spread through the forest for many metres your holiday celebration memories will likely fadelong before your garbage disappears. Each time we come to the landingwe will be met by the shards of blue cutlery and sparkly ribbons twisted in the branches…

Thanks for sharing!
Chris and Nancy Sainthill