Members of the Dysart sesquicentennial committee kick off a year of planning for the municipality's 150th birthday party set to happen in 2017. The committee is launching a logo contest for the 150th anniversary along with many exciting plans which will be unveilved as the year unfolds. Committee members hold one of the town's original bylaws and minutes from their first meeting of council. From left Gail Stelter Dysart Deputy-reeve Andrea Roberts Andrea Mueller and Kate Butler. Missing from the photo are Susan Norcross and Kait Perecko. ANGELICA INGRAM Staff

Birthday party plans underway for Dysart’s 150th

By Angelica Ingram

There’s going to be a big party and everyone is invited.

Although the milestone doesn’t officially happen until 2017 it’s a number so big it’s going to take a year of planning and celebrating.

The Dysart sesquicentennial committee is kicking off the year by announcing the first part of the festivities a logo contest.
Open to anyone the contest is seeking a logo design that reflects the municipality and its 150th birthday. The logo will be used in all the publications materials and events for Dysart’s 150th anniversary.

The designer of the winning entry will be rewarded with $150. For full contest rules and regulations visit or pick up printed copies of the rules at the township office.
The deadline for the logo contest is March 31 2016.

Incorporated on Jan. 7 1867 minutes from the township’s first council meeting and first bylaw can be found documented in books residing at the Haliburton Highlands Museum.

The sesquicentennial committee has big plans in store for the celebrations with the milestone being celebrated with two signature events one to be held in the summer and one in the winter. There will also be many family friendly events hosted throughout 2017 according to the committee.

The committee consists of Dysart Deputy-reeve Andrea Roberts municipal recreation co-ordinator Andrea Mueller Haliburton Highlands Museum director Kate Butler Haliburton BIA’s Gail Stelter Dysart Councillor Susan Norcross and volunteer Kait Perecko.