Published Feb 1 2019
Aprivate island on Koshlong Lake will house selected artists thissummer as part of a new artists' residency.
Writersmusicians visual artists and artists of other disciplines areinvited to apply to take part in the experience: an off-gridwater-access location that organizers say is “ideal for quietreflection and immersion in the natural world.”
Theapplication process will soon be open.
TheHalls Island Artist Residency Management Committee notes the cabinaccommodations don't support “large scale electronic needs” suchas recording music. There is solar power which is enough to charge alaptop for writing projects. The website recommends that musicianswould benefit from using the time there to compose music rather thanrecord it.
Artistsfrom the Haliburton Highlands and beyond are welcome to apply.
Theisland is privately owned by a family who has decided to provide theresidency accommodations and island access.
Sixto eight weeks of residency will be available in two-week blocks.Artists interested in applying will find information and applicationforms on the website at .
DonGage committee co-chair said the program brings benefits to thelocal community.
"Eachartist will be encouraged to connect and engage with our artisticcommunity and residents. The Halls Island Artist Residency programwill be a great addition to our arts community in the Highlands"he said in a press release.
Thereis no accommodation cost to resident artists other than food andpersonal supplies.
Transportation to and from the island will beprovided by the Halls Island group while transportation to thedocking area will be the responsibility of the chosen artists. Thoseapplying should be comfortable staying alone or with one othercompatible artist in this rustic setting.