To the Editor,
On May 26, while walking along the Head Lake pathway with our two malamutes, our puppy Lucy was attacked and injured by a large black dog that was released from its leash by its owner. My husband was knocked down while trying to keep Lucy safe from this dog that continued to attack Lucy and wanted to kill her! It was very scary and I felt so helpless because I was holding our senior dog Bear. It all happened so fast! While we were calling the vet, a mother and daughter that witnessed the attack came down over the hill to see if we were okay. We greatly appreciated the gesture, as they were visibly shaken as well. There was another gentleman that saw us and drove down into the parking area while I was carrying Lucy, and asked if we were okay or needed help. I do not know anyone’s names, but we just want to acknowledge these people for their acts of kindness and to let them know that it was greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Susanne and Greg Reesor