2016 goes out with a bang for local army cadet

Published Jan. 3 2017

On Thursday Dec. 22 local Army Cadets attended their last official training function in 2016. Ten cadets participated in an Air Rifle Range Night at the Haliburton Branch 129 Royal Canadian Legion followed by a pizza party to celebrate prior to Christmas season stand-down. Marksmanship training is one of the mandates of the Canadian Cadet Movement and our local cadets hold several practice sessions per month as they prepare for the Zone 18 Air Rifle Marksmanship Competition to be held in Peterborough in February 2017. Each time cadets practice they have opportunity to earn a marksmanship badge of which there are four levels.

Besides local headquarters training on Tuesday nights local cadets can participate in orienteering marksmanship and biathlon programs. We also hold regular sports nights where the cadets participate in team games and have opportunity to complete the cadet fitness testing. There are four levels of fitness badges that can be earned.

The next training night will be  Tuesday Jan. 10 at  6:30 p.m.  at the Haliburton Legion upstairs banquet hall. We meet every Tuesday while school is in session.
Any young person aged  12 to 18 may  join at any time throughout the training year. We welcome any young people who are interested in a challenge enjoy a team setting would like to learn to be a leader and have some fun at the same time.
